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news 08/2023 #2

news 08/2023 #2 published on

new Video online

IN NOMINE LUCIS 1Interpretation on Drumset

Composed by Giacinto Scelsi
Church Organ – Erik Lundqvist (1981) *
Michael Hoffmann – Drums (2023)

best listening with good headphones, clear mind and wide open ears!

Video by Michael Hoffmann
© 2023 by Michael Hoffmann

IN NOMINE LUCIS 1 were released at Album „Giacinto Scelsi – Musique Sacrée“ (1985)
* The Church Organ at „In Nomine Lucis 1“ were recorded by Erik Lundqvist in St.Matthieu’s church in Stockholm on December 9, 1981.

next Gig – 07/2023

next Gig – 07/2023 published on

Pat Metheney Tribute

The Music of Pat Metheny

Pat Metheny Tribute 2022

Thomas Langer – Guitar
Georg Göb – Keyboards
Stephan Langer – Bass
Michael Hoffmann – Drums

Freitag 7. Juli 2022
20:00 (Door 19:00)
Maximal Rodgau
Eisenbahnstr. 13
63110 Rodgau (Jügesheim)

news 06/2023

news 06/2023 published on

new Recordings

Für das voraussichtlich im September 2023 bei SynGate Records erscheinende Album Auf der Suche von Ambient-Künstler Hans Dieter Schmidt (Imaginary Landscape, La Ponto Ensemblo, EK-Lounge), recordete ich im vergangenen Mai/Juni einige elektro-akustische Tracks aus Drums, Percussion und Live-Electronics.

imaginarylandscape @ bandcamp

next Bandcamp Friday on May 5th

next Bandcamp Friday on May 5th published on

„Bandcamp Friday“ 5. Mai 2023

0:00-23:59 pacific time

„… on Bandcamp Fridays, an average of 93% of your money reaches the artist …“

Bandcamp Friday

Listen & buy my Album-Collection (2007-2023) on

STEAM HAMMER (2023) € 4.00
MOMENTUM (2022) € 4.00
SNOWY TRACKS (2021) € 7.00
VI (2020) € 7.00
V (2012) € 5.00
MIND TRIPS (2010) € 7.00
NEBULOUS (2010) € 6.00
LUMINOUS (2008) € 7.00
FROST (2007) € 7.00

news 03/2023

news 03/2023 published on

„Bandcamp Friday“ am 3. März 2023

0:00-23:59 pacific time

„… on Bandcamp Fridays, an average of 93% of your money reaches the artist …“

Listen & buy my Album-Collection (2007-2023) on

STEAM HAMMER (2023) € 4.00
MOMENTUM (2022) € 4.00
SNOWY TRACKS (2021) € 7.00
VI (2020) € 7.00
V (2012) € 5.00
MIND TRIPS (2010) € 7.00
NEBULOUS (2010) € 6.00
LUMINOUS (2008) € 7.00
FROST (2007) € 7.00

STEAM HAMMER Album released

STEAM HAMMER Album released published on

new Album „Michael Hoffmann – STEAM HAMMER“ released

steam hammer front cover

Alle Tracks auf STEAM HAMMER entstanden im Dezember 2021 bei der Vertonung der sechsteiligen Billy Bitzer – Filmdokumentation „Westinghouse Works“ aus dem Jahre 1904. Auf der Suche nach alten Stummfilmen stieß ich auf diese Industriefilm-Doku aus der Anfangszeit des Bewegtfilms. Billy Bitzers Filmdokumentation zeigt in beeindruckender Weise die harte Arbeit in den Werkhallen, Schmieden und Gießereien des Westinghouse-Konzerns. Diese Eindrücke versuchte ich improvisatorisch mit Schlagzeug, Percussion und Live-Electronics musikalisch umzusetzen.

Alle Audio-Tracks wurden für dieses Album neu abgemischt und gemastert.

Am 1. Januar 2023 wurde das Album STEAM HAMMER veröffentlicht.
STEAM HAMMER kann als High-Quality-Download zu einem Preis von € 4.00 (oder mehr) auf käuflich erworben werden.

All tracks on STEAM HAMMER were created in December 2021 during the dubbing of the six-part Billy Bitzer film documentary „Westinghouse Works“ from 1904. When I was looking for old silent film materials, I came across this industrial film documentary from the early days of moving film. Billy Bitzer’s film documentary impressively shows the hard work in the factory halls, forges and foundries at the Westinghouse-Group. I tried to realize these impressions into music by improvising on drums, percussion and live electronics.

For this album all audio tracks have been remixed and remastered.

On January 1st, 2023 the album STEAM HAMMER was released.
STEAM HAMMER is available for purchase as a high-quality-download for €4.60 (or more) on

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